Many families, individuals and businesses suffering financial stress delay filing bankruptcy, even after it has become clear that bankruptcy is the only reasonable solution. Many worry they will lose all of their property or that their credit will be destroyed. Contrary to this misconception, bankruptcy can help you protect your assets from the reach of your creditors and help you get a financial fresh start.
You may want to consider filing
for bankruptcy if any of the following applies to you:
- Your mortgage lender is threatening foreclosure;
- Your home has already been foreclosed;
- You're being threatened with eviction;
- You have been evicted;
- You're being threatened with repossession of your vehicle;
- Your vehicle has been repossessed;
- You're more than 30 days behind on your bills;
- You're unable to pay medical bills not covered by health insurance;
- You're receiving telephone calls from bill collectors;
- You're being sued;
- Your wages are being garnished;
- Your bank account has been frozen;
- You're unemployed and cannot pay your bills;
- Your debt balance remains high despite making timely payments;
- You're recently divorced and can't make ends meet
Unsure if bankruptcy is really the best or only choice for
Your well-being is our first priority. Our staff is highly experienced and caring, and treat each and
every client with respect and concern. When you visit our office, you will be greeted warmly and put at ease. We will handle your legal matter carefully and efficiently. You can have
confidence that your financial matters are in good hands.
Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy: Which one is right for you?
Filing either Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy will stop creditor harassment and collection calls immediately.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is intended for people who are unable to repay their debt. Chapter 7 wipes away most—although not all—types of debt. It has its down side, and not everyone will qualify for Chapter 7, but our experienced bankruptcy lawyers can tell you if your situation qualifies you for Chapter 7 debt relief.
For other people, Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be the right answer. It can often be used to save your home from foreclosure or your car from repossession. With Chapter 13, you can take charge of your finances through a repayment plan. With most Chapter 13 repayment plans, you are not be required to pay back all your debt in full. It is an effective means to get back on your feet financially.
Every bankruptcy case is unique.
We approach each case with insight that comes from 19 years of bankruptcy experience. We can explain how the
bankruptcy laws apply to your particular financial situation and can advise you on the most appropriate steps to take to regain your financial health. We look forward to working with you.
Please contact us TODAY for your FREE Consultation.
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We are a law firm and a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.